Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lab #1

This map shows the regional alliance to certain baseball teams in America. I think it is interesting because some teams have large areas (Twins or Blue Jays) but have attendance problems while teams like the Giants or Angles have smaller areas, but do not have a problem selling out games. This shows that it is more useful for a team to have a dense population of fans rather than a less dense but larger area.

This map shows which Presidential Candidate won which county in the 2008 election, with blue representing Barack Obama and red representing John McCain. I think it is interesting because if you only looked at this map, you would assume McCain had won because red dominates the map. However, many of the counties McCain won were scarcely populated while Obama won in more dense counties. This map shows a political disparity between rural and urban regions.

The source of this map is http://www.eightmaps.com/
This map shows the location of people that donated money to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign, the campaign that successfully banned same sex marraige in California in 2008. I think this map is interesting for a number of regions. One is that someone donated to the Yes on 8 campaign who lives at Market and Castro, literally in the center of the gay area of San Francisco, and I'm curious why they would choose to live there. Another interesting thing about this map is that the young professionals who make up a large portion of the South of Market population donated almost no money to the Yes on 8 campaign, while other wealthy areas donated a lot of money. It is an interesting way to compare social views among different populations of people in a city.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting maps, and nice descriptions. References need to be further specified. For example, what are the authors or assocaited organization / web titles producing the maps?
